Monday, October 29, 2007

Wow! Kapow! People Are Great

So, here I am blogging in the company of my dedicated team member triathletes. Feel like a square peg in a round hole, but that’s me—I take the off-season OFF—and do everything else instead. Trust me-- it is nothing but fun.

First, I would like to congratulate each and every one who toed the starting line at SOMA. You did it. Trained, planned, sacrificed, focused, made adjustments to family, work, and mental status, dug down deep when you had to, groaned and moaned for that last ounce of commitment.
(Yes, you)

Congratulate yourselves.

As they say—everyone is invited to the dance.
The kicker is --not everyone makes that choice to get out there and do it.

Pirate: BUMMER and MORE! I am so sorry about the mechanical. I would have felt the same way, but not have acted with such grace. How absolutely and utterly frustrating, especially when it was beyond your control. Having the support of so many people who cared—now that is irreplaceable. Finishing a half? Yes, you can replace that one. Loved your post.

Hartley: Congratulations on your first half. I know that not finishing must have really been difficult. Taking care of an injury is priority, and you did right, by not pushing yourself beyond what your body was telling you. I know there will be other half’s. Even though you didn’t finish, I’m guessing you learned some valuable lessons that will only make the next one better. My first was an experiment, my second was a race!

GG: Kudos for listening to your true self and not bowing down to ego or perspectives outside of yourself. You probably avoided some real damage to yourself both physically and mentally. I think what you did was the strongest choice of all. You will get your heart again and that will be the best race of all. I know you know this. We’ve both been there when it all comes together. Now, that’s having FUN.

SWTrigal: Congratulations on the race of your triathlon career. Wow. Breaking your PR by 27 minutes. Finishing in the top third (give or take a hair) of your age group. GREAT bike time. I see Age Group accomplishments in your future. Go out and get ‘em—I know you can do it.

Mr. S. Baboo: Great PR time! Looks like a great race. Way to allay the demons of IMAz. Think a PR more than makes up for the upcoming loss of your Clydesdale status? Bet you do! Looking forward to the race report.

Now, as I said, I’m kind of a square peg in a round hole. Always have been. My time is complete with hula and Tahitian dance, rock climbing, reorganizing my body (working on healthy joints and tissue), reorganizing my mind (yup, need to grind it up now and then), reconnecting with old friends, supporting my forever T on his journey through law school (YES—HE POSTED!!!) living the life of a domestic diva to the extent that I am able, cooking (a lot) and, as always, figuring out “there” from “here.”

I don’t have a minute to spare.

Recently, and briefly, I did attend my 30-year high school reunion.

There was so much energy, I didn’t want it to end

It was poignant and fun.

Disconcerting and life affirming.

There were only a few people that I recognized outright—the rest had “changed” enough that I had to look at their nametags and ask questions.

I didn’t have enough time to meet and talk with everyone.

Unfortunately, I limited myself, by being too shy to approach those that I didn’t know at all, and intimidated by a few others.

Funny enough, I was snubbed by a few—but maybe they were too shy also (OK-- I really don’t believe that…)

I missed the picnic the next day and I’m sorry I did. My sister had house pipe plumbing problems, Hachi the giant dog had to be walked on a beautiful wooded hilly trail, and I hadn’t gone to bed until 4:30 am the night before—bad planning on my part.

I wish we all could do it again next year. Really.

This—coming from the one who didn’t “know” anybody, and who had a heck of a time in high school.

The best part of all? Reconnecting and connecting with some of the greatest people: Charlie and his wife Karrie, Lisa, and Karen Q—thank you for such a warm, funny evening—rescuing me over and over again…. Mike B. (Charlie’s friend), Christine, April, Tim A., Aneeta, Scott and Denise, Iana, Tori, Nicole V., Robt T from NJ, and the RN whose name escapes me, and everyone else I talked to. Gillie--you get honorable mention.

YES, I had fun.

Life IS fragile and brief.

Make the most of it.

WOW (kapow!),
people are great.


the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

kudos to all outlaws who came out - y'all make a crap experience way more fun!

N - your high school reunion sounds like fun. I suppose it's always good to re-connect with your roots, no?

skoshi said...

Pirate--get thee to bed!
And, yes--I had a great time, but the anticipation was pretty scary. Probably, in truth, I just love a good party.....:)

skoshi said...

Actually, I had a GREAT time. And reconnecting with these people was more than I anticipated. Wish I didn't have to wait ten years to do it again...

SWTrigal said...

Naomi-thands for the shoutout! Glad you had a great time at your reunion. Those are a blast and very surreal to me..

S. Baboo said...

Glad you had a good time at your H.S. reunion. I went to three different high schools in my senior year so feel like I don't have a home but I am thinking about going to the H.S. reunion where I didn't graduate but knew the most people.

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I'm glad your HS reunion went well! I haven't been to one yet but would like to. Thanks for your kind words, too...I feel pretty good about my choice and greatful that I had the choice to make.

skoshi said...

SWTrigal hit it right on the head--the reunion was surreal. I probably spent the first hour in a state of shock. 30 years is a long time. EVERYONE looked so different, that even as I was doing the initial meet-and-greet, I kept thinking, "do I look that changed? How bad do I look?" It was a bit hampering to say the least. Still, I got to lay my high school demons to rest. Finally, I was very fortunate to go to school in a small townish place. The kids of my classmates are now going to school together...

Podium quest said...

You write so eligantly. I'm glad u had a great time @ your high school reunion.
So I know guys aren't supposed to ask things like this but your last post got
me curious, what did u end up wearing?

skoshi said...

For you, Smilin'.....

I wore the grey and white filmy large-flower print skirt that I must have bought over 15 years ago. Since I'm a bit thicker than I used to be, it sat a little higher on my waist ( I could barely close it around the narrowest part of me)--and a little higher on my leg. I wore the not-too-tight black top, and 10 year old black, chunky comfortable heels.. I splurged on black nylons (high end), and topped it all off with a gorgeous open weave shawl, fun sparkly assymmetric hair clips and a chunky red stone double looped necklace--for color. My feedback is that I had one of the best outfits there--go figure!