Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where's the O2??

What do you get when you spend a week at sea level?


Seriously, I can't seem to breath during exercise. I run taking, long, shuddering breaths in, and vow to myself that I will eat right, and train right, and do everything right, so long as I can get back to being able to BREATH again.

Oxygen is a beautiful thing...

I've spent 5 weeks total at sea level so far this year: 2 weeks in Florida, and 3 weeks in California. Not half weeks, or weekends, mind you, but FULL weeks. It doesn't seem like much, but the breathing part lets me know that perhaps it is adding up.

This time it seems a bit harder to recover from.
However, on the plus side, I seem to have avoided gaining too many extra pounds. Just a little spare tire around the middle (which, on someone my height, makes me look/feel like the Michelin man)...

But, I did find an article by Matt Fitzgerald that heralds a bit of weight gain as good for you during the training season.
Good for me.
I am obviously doing something right!

More weeks at sea level to follow.
This time in Hawaii.
Even if it does sabotage an upcoming race, well...
Who can blame me for going?

1 comment:

ShirleyPerly said...

Very interesting about the training weight vs. racing weight issue. I knew some people trained with extra weight/resistance in order to be stronger for race day but haven't heard much about athletes gaining weight in training.

Hawaii sounds great. I'm going back to Kona end of June. Where and when will you be there?

Hope you're breathing easier soon!