Sunday, June 22, 2008

22 Million Pages of Evidence...'Nuff said.

After the initial getting-to-know-the-office introductory period,
Mark says he likes what he's doing.
That's a good thing.
I certainly don't think I would know what to do with 22 thousand pages of evidence--much less 22 million.

In other news, I'll be watching fireworks from the heart of our capitol this year.
As well as kayaking the Potomac, seeing the second longest running play in the U.S., and generally running amuck (def'n: a state of extreme activity) among the monuments and museums.
Should be a good weekend.


ShirleyPerly said...

Hey, that's sounds GREAT!! I mean, the part about being in DC for July 4th (not the 22,000 pages part). Enjoy your trip!

Bones said...

Have a great trip!! And tell Mr T hi!

Podium quest said...

Sounds like your making the best of your time there. I'm glad Mark is getting
along in his new challenge. I think he'd do well in whatever he does.